Somehow I had invited the whole ship into my cabin for a pre dinner drink tonight - the last night at sea. (Someone had overheard that my cabin was the largest cabin next to the Captain’s and somehow talked me into thinking this was a good idea).
The big problem to deal with today - how would I get 46 scientists and crew into my cabin? At lunchtime I had one of those bright moments - I would have an exhibition opening of the Antarctic paintings that I had completed on the voyage. So at afternoon smoko I taped them up in my cabin, + down the alleyway outside, had a nice chat with Brian, the cook and he agreed to bring in some nibbles in at about five-ish. I bribed the ‘Dutch club’, Else and Doc Jen to act as doormen, and spread the word that the official opening would be 1630 hours.
It all worked out great, I think the whole ship just managed to cram in somehow with the overflow in the alleyway gallery just outside. Then right on schedule, bang on 1700 hours, Cookie turned up with big plate sausage rolls and a plate of - you guessed it - smoked toothfish. It was a neat event - an enjoyable evening and a neat relaxed way to spend the last night of the voyage together. My fridge was empty once again ready for arrival back home.
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